2023届成都三诊英语试题答案 (更新中)






I the lat par graph, whai adiee does e authar gie A. Ty this way con tantly when you feel on edge.B. Sy safe, and you will have a good memory.C. Incr rase memory, and you will haye healthy me all.D.Think of something disgusting when your memory needs a boost.


Learning how to squeeze more into your day, and knowing how to make the most of yourtime is essential to your career and life balance.A.As you complete your tasks, cross them off.B. Better still, prepare your list the evening before.C. Planning ahead comes as a second nature to you.D. It requires planning, and then sticking to the plan.Is it because you're waiting for the right time or mood?F. You can and will inspire them to set a goal and be responsible for it.G. This will enable you to differentiate(区别) between what's important and what’s not.

29. Why was the name April more common in the South than farther northA. Parents name their children April due to cultural influences.B. The last frost comes carlier in the South than farther north in Apr i.C. The weather is more favorable in the South than farther north in An ril.D. More girls are called April in the South than farther north.

