

1、高考英语读后续写情感描写素材和练习一、尴尬与愧疚【高级语块】1.die of embarrassment 尴尬得要死2.be consumed with guilt 深感内疚3.be ashamed of oneself 为自己感到羞愧4.in an awkward position 处境尴尬5.guilt is written all over ones face 满脸愧疚6.make ones toes curl 使人尴尬,使人难为情7.blood rushes to ones face/cheeks 血液涌上脸颊8.blush with embarrassment/shame 尴尬/羞愧

2、得脸颊绯红9.lower/hang/drop ones head in embarrassment 尴尬地低下头10.ones cheeks are hot with embarrassment 某人双颊窘得发烫【高级句子】1.Her cheeks burned with embarrassment.她的面颊羞得发烫。2.She was overwhelmed by feelings of guilt.她感到愧疚难当。3.The burden of guilt weighed heavily on his mind.愧疚之情压得他透不过气来。4.He could feel his face r

3、eddening with embarrassment.他能感到自己因为尴尬而脸红了。5.He was so ashamed that he hid his face in his hands.他羞愧得用手把脸蒙住。6.He lowered his eyes and clenched his lips, trying to avoid our eyes.他眼睛低垂,咬紧嘴唇,尽量躲避我们的目光。7.For a moment she felt a pang of guilt about the way she was treating her children.有那么一会儿她为自己对待孩子的方式

4、感到一阵愧疚。8.Feeling rather guilty, I stole a glance at my mother, and found her glaring at me.我有些愧疚,偷偷瞟了妈妈一眼,发现她正瞪着我。【巩固练习】一、根据提示,完成下列句子。1.Please dont tell my dad about this, he said, _ (羞愧得脸颊绯红).2.Mary _ (尴尬地低下头) when she realized she had made a mistake in front of the whole class.3.The thought of having to give her presentation in front of the audience _ (使她很难为情).4.With the mans confused eyes fixed on her, Marys cheeks were _ (窘得发烫).二、翻译下列句子。1.你应该为自己说这样的谎话感到羞愧。_2.当Alex叫错老师的名字时,他尴尬得要死。_3.听了母亲的话,我感觉血液涌上了脸颊。_4.她为最近和自己的两个孩子在一起的时间少了而深感内疚。_【参考答案】一、根据提示,完成下列句子。1.blushing with shame2.lowe


