


1、2023-2024学年广东省广州市天河区重点学校高二(上)期末英语试卷一、选词填空-句子(本大题共1小题,共10.0分)1. break out;be engaged in;be fond of;appeal to;break down;be worthy of;consist of(1) Open conversations helped to _ the barrier between the two groups.(2) Dr.Yuan Longping _ developing super hybrid rice throughout his life.(3) A balanced d

2、iet _ a variety of foods with different nutrients.(4) Dark clouds were gathering in the skies over Europe.War was soon to _ .(5) The fantastic view from the top of the mountain is sure to _ everyone.二、阅读理解(本大题共10小题,共30.0分)AIda Nelson was enjoying and relaxing in her bath when she heard the thunder o

3、f a small airplane circling the nearby airport.It was 11:30 at night in the Alaskan village of Igiugig,population 70,and,as she told the New York Times, Anytime a plane flies over that late,you know something is wrong. Nelson and her sister leaped out of the bath,ran to the window and saw the proble

4、m:The airports runway lights were out.Nelson threw on some clothes,jumped into her ATV,and floored it to the airport where she found a local pilot trying to turn on the lights manually. Normally,if you push the button 10 or 15 times,the lights will just light up. Not this time.Meanwhile,she and the

5、pilot learned of the planes urgent mission:It was a medevac (救伤直升机),there to transport a seriously ill local girl to the nearest hospital,280 miles away in Anchorage. Nelson had a plan.Driving her ATV to the end of the runway,she switched her headlights on for the plane to follow.Great idea,but it w

6、asnt enough.More light was needed,so a neighbor called nearly every home in the village - 32 of them.Within 20 minutes,20 vehicles arrived at the airport,many of the drivers still in pajamas.Following the directions from the medevac pilot,the cars lined up on one side of the runway. The medevac made its final approach and,guided by the headlights,landed safely.The young patient was loaded onto the aircraft,and the plane imm


