(赣州一模)赣州市2021年高三摸底考试 英语答案 

(赣州一模)赣州市2021年高三摸底考试 英语答案 ,语文、数学、英语、物理、化学、生物、历史、地理、政治等分享在答案海洋网www.cYfdjjg.com/,更多试卷答案尽在答案海洋 
(赣州一模)赣州市2021年高三摸底考试 英语答案 
(赣州一模)赣州市2021年高三摸底考试 英语答案 
21-25BCDAB26-30 DADCA31-35 CBADB36-40 CFBGD
41-45BDACD46-50 BCADC51-55BADCB56-60BADCA

One possible version
    Arole model around me When it comes to the role model around me, it's nobody but Liu Wei. Liu Wei is my classmate, who is strong and independent. He comes from a poor family. What makes matter worse is that he suffered from a disease in Senior Two. Because of the illness, he even asked a three-months leave from school. During that time, he not only fought against the disease but kept on studying.
Whenever facing the difficulty, he never gives up. Life is not easy for Liy Wei, but he stil loves life. He is always am example for everyone to follow.
