

1、高考英语读后续写精彩句子开头仿写训练一、无灵主语开头(没有生命的名词作主语)【示例】久别重逢让这对夫妻都很开心。The reunion after long separation brought great delight to the couple.【仿写1】He felt a bit sad inside him.翻译他内心涌起一阵阵悲伤。改写A ripple/flush/wave/surge of sadnesswelled up inside him.【仿写2】With tears streaming down her face, he couldnt say a word.翻译眼泪顺

2、着她的脸流下来,她说不出话来。改写Words failed her, with tears streaming down her face,【仿写3】Suddenly she felt very excited when she caught sight of a familiar figure.翻译突然她看到一个熟悉的身影,内心涌起一阵兴奋.改写Suddenlya wave of happiness and excitementseized/took hold of/swept over her when she caught sight of a familiar figure.【仿写4】

3、(2023年1月浙江读后续写)I was just about to leave when the hummingbird appeared. I noticed a flash of movement.翻译我正要离开这时蜂鸟出现了。一阵儿活动引起了我的注意。改写(2023年1月浙江读后续写)I was just about to leave when the hummingbird appeared.A flash of movementcaught my attention.【仿写5】(2023新高考读后续写)When the host announced that I won the f

4、irst prize, I felt very excited.翻译当主持人宣布我获得一等奖时,我激动得心砰砰跳。改写(2023新高考读后续写)When the host announced that I won the first prize,my heartwas thumping/pounding with excitement.二、倒装句开头【示例】只有这样你才能学好英语。Only in this way can you learn English well.【仿写1】A young man sat by the lake with a book in his hand.翻译湖边坐着一

5、个手里拿着一本书的年轻男孩。改写By the lake sata young man with a book in his hand.【仿写2】(2020新高考读后续写)When they got home, they made a lot of popcorn and put it in the special bags.改写(2020新高考读后续写)Hardly had they got homewhen they made a lot of popcorn and put it in the special bags.【仿写3】(2021新高考读后续写)Their mother neve

6、r expected her day to start with such a warm gift.翻译在任何情况下,他们的母亲也不会想到她的一天会以这样的暖心礼物开始的。改写(2021新高考读后续写)Under no circumstances had their mother expectedher day to start with such a warm gift.【仿写4】(2021新高考读后续写)Jenna was so ashamed that she shed guilty tears with head drooping.翻译杰娜羞愧得低着头流下了愧疚的泪水。改写(2021新高考读后续写)So ashamed was Jennathat she shed guilty tears with head drooping.【仿写5】(2


