


31. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A. Pet owners will influence people around.
B Owning pets is the very way to interact with others.
C Owning pets may help improve health in the long run.
D. Pe et owners have trouble communicating with others.

D Vultures (秃鹰) play a key role as they help clean the environment They reduce the s pread of diseases by eating carcasses (动物尸体)。 Across Africa, vulture populations have declined over the last50 years, with overall decline rates of up to 97%. Leading causes include poisoning, belief-based use and running into energy buildings. In 2020, more than 2000 Hooded vultures's deaths were linked to belief-based use, while in Gambia, more than 50 were poisoned in the same period. Currently, the Hooded vulture is on a Critically Endangered List. In West Africa, vultures are mostly killed for their parts which are used as substance to cure diseases.

