牛津译林版(2020)高中英语选择性必修第三册Unit2 Out of This World单词讲义

牛津译林版(2020)高中英语选择性必修第三册Unit2 Out of This World单词讲义,以下展示关于牛津译林版(2020)高中英语选择性必修第三册Unit2 Out of This World单词讲义的相关内容节选,更多内容请多关注我们网站

1、牛津译林版(2020)高中英语选择性必修第三册Unit2 Out of This World单词讲义astronaut词性:名词中文意思:宇航员英文释义:a person who travels in a spacecraft词源:astro(星星)+ naut(航行者)例句:He dreamed of becoming an astronaut since he was a child.固定搭配:become an astronaut, train astronauts, space mission近义词:cosmonaut(苏联/俄罗斯宇航员)gravity词性:名词中文意思:重力,引力英

2、文释义:the force that attracts objects towards each other词源:来自拉丁语gravitas,意为重或重量例句:The force of gravity keeps us on the ground.固定搭配:gravity pull, gravity center, weightlessness due to gravity近义词:attraction, pull, weightabsence词性:名词中文意思:缺席,缺乏,不存在英文释义:the state or fact of not being present; lack or nonex

3、istence of something词源:来自拉丁语absentia,意为缺席或缺乏例句:His absence from the meeting was noticed by everyone.固定搭配:in the absence of, absence of mind, absence seizure近义词:nonexistence, lack, missingfloat词性:动词/名词中文意思:漂浮,浮动;浮标,浮筒英文释义:to remain suspended in air or water; a floating object used for signaling or me

4、asuring depth词源:来自古英语fltan,意为漂浮或浮动例句:The boat floated on the calm lake.固定搭配:floating market, float plane, life jacket float近义词:drift, stay afloat, driftingcupboard词性:名词中文意思:橱柜,碗柜英文释义:a piece of furniture with shelves and doors for storing dishes, plates, etc.词源:来自古英语cupbrd,意为盛放杯子的柜子例句:She opened the

5、 cupboard to get some plates.固定搭配:closet cupboard, kitchen cupboard, linen cupboard近义词:cabinet, wardrobe, shelfceiling词性:名词中文意思:天花板,上限英文释义:the upper interior surface of a room, the top limit词源:来自拉丁语celis,意为天空例句:The ceiling of the room was painted blue.固定搭配:high ceiling, drop-down ceiling, suspended

6、ceiling近义词:roof, top, limitbother词性:动词中文意思:打扰,烦恼,操心英文释义:to cause trouble or inconvenience to (someone); to annoy or upset (someone)词源:来自古英语brtan,意为麻烦,困扰例句:I dont want to bother you with my problems.固定搭配:bother about/with, bother to do, bother oneself近义词:disturb, annoy, troubleoccupy词性:动词中文意思:占据,占用,占领英文释义:to take up space or time; to hold or control (


