


1、高考英语答题方法讲解一、七选五1.瞻前顾后例1Become a volunteer in training at the nursing home.You will be taken into training depending on the area you are assigned to train in.Becauseof the wide variety of possible areas, you may experience variations in your training length and the content may vary.例2Learning informa

2、tion you can use in your daily life is very important to have a continuous desire to further advance your education.Skill-based learning, for example, is useless if it isnt applied.2.注意句子的连接词例1The process of becoming a volunteer at a nursing home can often be a little too long.However, the self grat

3、ification and relationships you will receive is too unusual to be replaced.例2In the case of compulsive overspending, the problem is almost never that a person lacks self-control.Rather, he usually has an unmet basic need which he is addressing through overspending.例3When you think about it, shedding

4、 tears from your eyes can cause embarrassment or confusion.But it seems to be an automatic reaction when.we get sad or upset.What brings about this reaction differs from person to person.However, the feeling is the same- your cheeks puff up, your eyes tighten and before you know it, tears are stream

5、ing down your face. Some of us may weep a little while others might cry like a baby.3.注意段首句和段尾句的呼应Be willing to expand your mind.Rid yourself of assumptions and convictions so that you can be open and receptive to new information.This at times my even contradict what you have always believed to be t

6、rue.You will eventually come across information that challenges your worldview.Rather than remaining resting in your comfort zone, use this time to stop, reflect and shed light on these ideas in a way that can develop and expand your vision.4.熟悉词汇,扩大词汇量If your knowledge can be directly applied in a functional and fun fashion, put it into practice.Many people learn by being hands-on.(动手的,实际操作的)5.代词的使用The path to true financial health is not to


