
炎德英才大联考·雅礼中学2022届高三入学考试英语试题,语文、数学、英语、物理、化学、生物、历史、地理、政治等分享在答案海洋网www.cYfdjjg.com/,更多试卷答案尽在[答案海洋 ]

0. What is Monica Capra's opinion?
A. Shc is not convinced that moncy can cxtend subjctive timc.
B Shc docsn't bclicve that wcalthy pooplc can buy good mcmorics.
C. Shc thinks that thc cxcitcment of fun cxpcricnccs can hardly wear off.
D. She doubts whcther bighcr-paid jobs can lcad to morc new cxpcricnccs.

31. What is the main idca of thc passagc?
A. Rescarchers arc cxploring the mystcrics of mcmory.
B. Many factors can influcncc how you fccl timc.
C. Your subjcctivc timc may depend on your incamc.
D. The brain can changc your fccling of timc.

D Whcn askcd how technology might improvc the livcs of pcoplc with vision impaiments(视力), Joann Becker. vison impairments tcch spccialist. prcscntcd a miscadingly simple challcngc. saying"I'd likc to be ablc to find my bus stop through My Eyes".
