






答案: 1-5BCACB6-10BACCB11-15ACCAB16-20ABCBA 听力原文 Text 1 M:Hi, Linda.That'sa great kite. Did you make it yourself?W:No, my younger brother made it. My mother promised to, but she was always busy. Text 2 W:Tom, have you got better now? M:Yeah, the doctor said that I could leave soon. I really miss my comfortable home. Text 3 M:Rainy day, is n'tit? W:No.It's like what the radio said. It's cloudy. M:I wish it would be fine for the weekend. Text 4 W:I hope I can see you at my birthday party. It will be this Friday, the day after tomorrow. M: OK. See you then. Text 5 W:You've kept me waiting for nearly an hour at the bus stop on the snowy day. M:I'm sorry.It's the first time I have been here.I was lost.Text 6 M: ⑥Sorry, Mom.I broke a dish. W:⑥What's the noise, Ivan?W:It doesn't matter, honey. Are you injured?M: No W:But what do you need a dish for?M:Dad didn't come downstairs for lunch.He must be hungry. So I heated a chicken sandwich for him.W:Good boy. Don't worry. I sent some pancakes and a glass of milk to him half an hour ago.M:Then I'll go and watch TV now. I've just finished my homework. W:I'm sorry, dear. ⑦But it's time to practice the piano. M:⑦All right. Text 7 W: ⑧Jim, why were you late for school this morning? W: Did you get up late? M: I'm sorry, Mrs. Brown.M:No.Igot up at 7:00 as usual this morning. ⑨ThenIhad breakfast and left home at 7:30. W:It only takes you about twenty minutes to walk to school. Why were you late? M:Well, on my way to school, Is aw a boy lying on the street. He had fallen off his bike. ⑩Iran to help him and foundhe was injured. W:What did you do? M:I took him to the nearest hospital. W:You did the right thing, Jim! M: Thanks a lot, Mrs. Brown! Text 8 M:I've got a letter from Miranda, my new pen friend. W:Will you invite her to visit you one day? M: Maybe next year. 1She always gets busy in August, so July will be best. We have a holiday in December but it'salways so cold here then. W:Does she like sports, like you? M: 12Yes, she plays basketball from time to time, but she likes football best. She told me she had no interest in


28.A【解析】根据本段中的stay strong,stay deter-mined可知,作者的信条是:要坚强,要有决心,不要认为自己的“梦想(dreams)”遥不可及。

