
2022英语周报高一47期答案,我们目前整理分享2022英语周报高一47期答案试题试卷及其参考答案,1如需答案 请关注微信公众号:趣找答案/直接访问www.qzda.com(趣找答案)




There are plenty of jobs ________ in the western part of the country.

A. present B. available

C. precious D. convenient




试题分析:考查形容词。 present 目前的、当前的;available 可以利用的;precious 宝贵的; convenient方便的,句意是:在国家西部有足够可供选择的工作。


假设你叫李华, 你的一位朋友John刚从国外归来, 邀请你参加本周日在他家举办的朋友聚会, 但你不能参加。请你根据以下要点给他写一封电子邮件:

1. 表达想参加的意愿;

2. 忙于准备高考;

3. 由于感冒, 身体不适;

4. 表示歉意并另约时间。


1. 词数: 100左右。

2. 可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;

3. 开头结尾已给出,不算字数。






Dear John,

I am extremely sorry to tell you that I am unable to go to your party this Sunday. It is very kind of you to invite me to your house and I really look forward to going to your party and sharing your happy experiences abroad. Much to my regret, I will be absent from your party owing to the fact that the College Entrance Exam, for which I am now really busy preparing, is just around the corner. What’s worse, I have caught a bad cold lately and I am really not myself.

Anyway, we will have many more chances to get together. Shall we make it after the Exam? I am truly sorry. I hope you will forgive me and accept my sincere apology.

Enjoy yourself and wish your party a great success.


Li Hua


试题分析:分析要求可知,假设你的一位朋友John刚从国外归来, 邀请你参加本周日在他家举办的朋友聚会, 但你由于忙于准备高考; 而且感冒, 身体不适不能参加。不能遗漏要点,短文应该用一般现在时,第一人称。尽量多使用较高级的词汇和短语以及固定句式,注意英语的习惯表达,句子之间的连贯性,增强写作的规范性。

【亮点说明】 文中用了一些高级的短语和句式。如:look forward to going,Much to my regret ,owing to the fact that ,which引导的非限制性定语从句,wish your party a great success.等都很不错。



