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A man had seven sons, who were always quarreling. They left their studies and work, to quarrel among themselves. Some bad men were looking forward to the death of their father, to cheat them out of their property(财产) by making them quarrel about it.

The good old man, one day, called his sons around him. He laid before them seven sticks, which were tied together. He said, “I will pay a hundred dollars to the one who can break this bundle(捆).”

Each one tried their best to break the bundle. After a long but useless efforts, they all said that it could not be done.

“And yet, my boys,” said the father, “nothing is easier to do.” He then untied the bundle, and broke the sticks, one by one, with perfect ease.

“Ah!” said his sons, “It is easy enough to do it so; anybody could do it in that way.”

Their father replied, “As it is with these sticks, so it is with you, my sons. So long as you hold fast together and help each other, you will be much richer, and none can harm you.

“But if the brotherhood bundle is broken, it will happen to you just as it has to these sticks, which lie there broken on the ground.”

Home, city, country, all are property found, When they hold tightly together.

1.How many sticks does the old man ask his sons to break?

A. 2 B. 3 C. 5 D. 7

2.Why was the old man able to break the sticks?

A. Because his sons helped him to do so.

B. Because he was strong enough to do so.

C. Because he was wise enough to untie the bundle.

D. Because the sticks were no longer as strong as before.

3.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The old man was going to die soon.

B. The sticks were used as a tool to teach the sons a lesson.

C. The sons were all too stupid to take care of their property.

D. some bad men might get the property away from the old man.








1.He laid before them seven sticks, which were tied together.”可知,老人把七根棍子绑在一起,让孩子们把它折断,故选D。

2.He then untied the bundle, and broke the sticks, one by one, with perfect ease.”可知,老人解开绳子,一根一根地很轻松就把七根棍子折断了,故选C。

3.As it is with these sticks, so it is with you, my sons. So long as you hold fast together and help each other, you will be much richer, and none can harm you”可知,老人拿七根棍子类比自己的七个孩子,教会他们要学会团结,故选B。


Yang Yang was a native of Liaoning Province. When he was in Grade Two, his got worse. Later he was found to have sick changes to his retina (视网膜). At 15, he had to school because of his injured eyes.

“Though I my eyesight, I wanted very much to read and study, even if just for ,” Yang says. “My parents my eyes. They have read to me since my childhood.”

Yang the national college entrance exam and entered the Changchun University of Chinese Medicine, where he acupuncture (针灸). In 1999, Yang graduated from college and decided to go on for education.

Later Yang bought a special software (软件) which helped him to the Internet and send e-mails. With the software, Yang hoped to a postgraduate (研究生) degree. But he found that no Chinese offered such degrees specifically for sight-injured people. As the first step toward getting a post-graduate from a foreign university, Yang decided to take the TOEFL for the blind.

After English through computers, Yang took the test in Hong Kong, a mark of 97 out of 120. After taking part in video interviews and the necessary forms and papers, Yang was 47 to the University of Southern California.

“Studying can help me my life. One can change one’s life through effort. I believe that with effort, a child can draw a world if you give him a pen and paper,” Yang says.

1.A. eyesight B. health C. hearing D. study

2.A. rescued B. ignored C. suffered D. treated

3.A. look B. attend C. take D. leave

4.A. imagined B. lost C. recovered D. caught

5.A. education B. fun C. experience D. knowledge

6.A. cared for B. looked after C. acted as D. kept off

7.A. passed B. made C. tried D. broke

8.A. offered B. picked C. received D. studied

9.A. more B. quicker C. easier D. further

10.A. surf B. repair C. build D. accept

11.A. buy B. start C. get D. keep

12.A. hospitals B. universities C. departments D. groups

13.A. course B. material C. test D. degree

14.A. learning B. translating C. speaking D. remembering

15.A. breaking B. scoring C. discovering D. starting

16.A. looking through B. putting up C. handing in D. carrying on

17.A. admitted B. turned C. promised D. refused

18.A. affect B. keep C. find D. improve

19.A. firmly B. hardly C. only D. partly

20.A. popular B. beautiful C. natural D. real
























1.sick changes to his retina...his injured eyes”可知,阳阳的视网膜出现了病变,说明他在二年级时,视力开始下降,故选A。

2. Later he was found to have sick changes to his retina后来查出阳阳的视网膜出现了病变,suffer遭受(疾病、痛苦),故选C。

3.At 15, he had to school because of his injured eyes.由于眼睛的问题,阳阳十五岁时不得不辍学,leave school辍学,故选D。

4.Though I my eyesight, I wanted very much to read and study尽管没有了视力,但是我非常想读书和学习,根据下一句可知,父母读书给他听,说明他看不见了,故选B。

5.I wanted very much to read and study, even if just for ,阳阳非常想看书和学习,即使只是为了获得乐趣,for fun为了乐趣,故选B。

6. They have read to me since my childhood.”可知,阳阳的父母给他读书听,说明他们充当了阳阳的眼睛,故选C。

7.entered the Changchun University of Chinese Medicine”可知,阳阳通过了高考,故选A。

8.where he acupuncture 阳阳在长春大学中医学院学习针灸,故选D。

9.Yang graduated from college and decided to go on for education阳阳毕业后决定继续学习深造,further在此指“在程度上更进一步”,故选D。


11.Yang hoped to a postgraduate (研究生) degree阳阳希望获得研究生学位,故选C。

12.But he found that no Chinese offered such degrees但是阳阳发现在中国没有大学为视力损伤的人提供这样的学位,故选B。

13.a postgraduate (研究生) degree”可知,阳阳向着研究生学位迈进了一步,故选D。

14.After English through computers,通过电脑学习了英语之后,故选A。

15. a mark of 97 out of 120阳阳在香港参加托福考试,获得97的高分,故选B。

16. the necessary forms and papers这里指提交相关的表格和研究论文,故选C。

17.Yang was to the University of Southern California阳阳被南加利福尼亚大学录取,be admitted to...被录取到某大学,故选A。

18.Studying can help me my life.学习能够帮助我提高生活(质量),故选D。

19.I believe that with effort阳阳坚信通过努力,......,firmly believe坚信,深信,故选A。

20.with effort, a child can draw a world通过努力,孩子能够描绘出一个美丽的世界,故选B。


