2022英语周报 高二 外研 13答案

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2022英语周报 高二 外研 13答案


2022英语周报 高二 外研 13答案,以下是该试卷的部分内容或者是答案亦或者啥也没有

假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Sam来信,想在你市寻找一套合适的房子居住。几日前,你在四季花园(Seasonal Garden,内设游泳池和健身馆)小区内看到一处房子。请根据下面图示回信告知。

Dear Sam,

You wrote in your letter that you wanted to rent an apartment in our city. Recently I happened to find one that might be suitable for you







Are you satisfied with it? If so, I will arrange it for you.


Li Hua


Dear Sam,

You wrote in your letter that you want to rent an apartment in our city. Recently I happened to find one that might be suitable for you.

The apartment building is located in Seasonal Garden with a park to the north. It is near Zhonghua Road. More than 20 bus lines are near at hand. So it is very convenient for you to go to the other parts of the city. Besides,a hospital,a supermarket,a high school,banks and even a material market are within easy reach. The buildings in this area are of specific style and newly designed. In the community there is a swimming pool and a gym,where you and your family can enjoy yourselves in your spare time.

Are you satisfied with it?If so,I will arrange it for you.


Li Hua


试题分析:这是一篇书信格式的看图作文。假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Sam来信,想在你市寻找一套合适的房子居住。几日前,你在四季花园(Seasonal Garden,内设游泳池和健身馆)小区内看到一处房子。请根据下面图示回信告知。根据所给地图说明房子的具体位置,要做到准确。要把所提示的点写全,要合理运用表示方位处所的句子,写作时要注意句子时态、语态,上下文意思要连贯,符合逻辑关系。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词、句式,避免全部都用简单句,适当运用并列句,同时也要正确使用高级词汇和高级句子,为文章增色,注意要求的字数在100—120词左右,不要太多或太少,注意开头和结尾已经给出。

【亮点说明】You wrote in your letter that you want to rent an apartment in our city.句中含有一个that引导的宾语从句;Recently I happened to find one that might be suitable for you.此句中包含一个that引导的定语从句,使文章上档次;In the community there is a swimming pool and a gym,where you and your family can enjoy yourselves in your spare time.本句中巧妙运用了where引导的非限制性定语从句,使文章更显突出;另外文中运用了以下高级短语、句式:be suitable for、is located in、it is very convenient for you to go to…、Besides、within easy reach、Are you satisfied with it?arrange it for。这样使文章有层次,使内容更加丰富。


----- What do you think of my paper?

----- The _______ part is well written but the latter is just so-so.

A. primary B. former

C. late D. latter






