2023-2024衡水金卷先享题 高三一轮复习40分钟周测卷(新教材)/地理(一)1答案

2023-2024衡水金卷先享题 高三一轮复40分钟周测卷(新教材)/地理(一)1答案,我们目前整理分享2023-2024衡水金卷先享题 高三一轮复40分钟周测卷(新教材)/地理(一)1答案试题试卷及其参考答案,1如需答案 请关注微信公众号:趣找答案/直接访问www.qzda.com(趣找答案)

2023-2024衡水金卷先享题 高三一轮复40分钟周测卷(新教材)/地理(一)1答案


2023-2024衡水金卷先享题 高三一轮复40分钟周测卷(新教材)/地理(一)1答案,以下是该试卷的部分内容或者是答案亦或者啥也没有

A primary school in UK has banned Valentine’s Day cards because of concerns that young pupils spend too much time talking about boyfriends and girlfriends.

Ashcombe Primary School in Weston?Super?Mare,Somerset,has told parents that cards declaring love can be“confusing” for children under the age of 11,who are still emotionally and socially developing. In this month’s newsletter(通讯),Peter Turner,the head teacher,warned that any cards found in school would be confiscated(没收).He wrote:“We do not wish to see any Valentine’s Day cards in school this year. Some children and parents encourage a lot of talk about boyfriends and girlfriends. We believe that such ideas should wait until children are mature enough emotionally and socially to understand the commitment involved in having or being a boyfriend or girlfriend.”Mr.Turner said any families wanting to support the Valentine’s Day idea should send cards in the post or deliver them to home addresses by hand.

His views were endorsed by Ruth Rice,46,who has twins Harriet and Olivia at the school. She said,“Children at that age shouldn’t really be thinking about Valentine’s Day,they should be concentrating on their schoolwork.”They are at an age when they are impressionable(易受影响的)and most parents including myself are with Mr.Turner. “She added that the cards cause” too much competition. If someone gets a card and another doesn’t,then someone will be disappointed.

However,Rajeev Takyar,40,who has two children Jai,11,and Aryan,five,at the school,said he was “outraged”.He said,“There are schools that have banned conkers(栗子游戏)and snowballs,and now Valentine’s Cards.”I think banning the cards stops children from having social skills. How are they going to learn about relationships otherwise?It’s ridiculous. Alec Suttenwood,father of three children,said of the ban:“It’s totally ridiculous. Young children just send the cards to each other as friends and to their parents. It’s just a bit of harmless fun. There is no difference between this and Mother’s or Father’s Day.”

1.Which of the following is the best title?

A.Ban on Valentine’s Day cards at school is well received.

B.Ban on Valentine’s Day cards at school causes argument.

C.British children spend too much time talking about love.

D.A British high school bans Valentine’s Day cards.

2.The underlined word “endorsed” means________.

A.criticized B.quoted

C.disapproved D.approved

3.What do you know about Harriet and Olivia?

A.They will send Valentine’s Day cards this year.

B.They are strongly against the school’s decision.

C.They are of the same age.

D.They are the children of Rajeev Takyar.

4.According to Rajeev Takyar,________.

A.sending Valentine’s Day cards helps develop children’s social skills

B.banning Valentine’s Day cards will benefit children

C.the cards cause too much competition among children

D.children are too young to talk about love

5.The newsletter by Peter Turner probably appeared on________.

A.February 22 B.February 6

C.March 18 D.August 1











2. Rice,所说的话可以判断这位家长对校长的做法是持赞同态度的,由此推测该词意思是“赞同”,选D。

3. has twins Harriet and Olivia at the school.可知这两个孩子是双胞胎,所以年龄相同,选C。

4. Takyar所说的话“,I think banning the cards stops children from having social skills. How are they going to learn about relationships otherwise?It’s ridiculous.”可知他认为孩子互换卡片有助于交往能力的培养,选A。

5. do not wish to see any Valentine’s Day cards in school this year.”可以判断这则新闻应该是在情人节之前,选B。


In general, I don’t cry very often. But in early August 2011, I did a lot of crying. All these ____were for one simple reason: I really, really didn’t want to leave China. But, I already had my plane ticket, and my work visa was ____, so I had no ____ but to go back to America.

For a while, I was ____ to be reunited with my family, my friends, and most importantly, my dog. I also enjoyed catching up on all the films, TV shows, and music I’d ____.Soon after I arrived home, I began ____ with my family and my friends. I told them how I loved my ____ in China, and how I hoped to come back one day. They said, “Maybe you can go again next year.” And now here I am, ____ one whole year teaching oral English at Harbin No. 1 High School.

My ____ teaching experience gave me much ___ that I am now putting to use. I now feel____ about my teaching abilities that I even have a teaching philosophy. My philosophy is one simple word: interact. I try to make the students ____for much more of the class period. I also like to play games in class ,as well as doing art projects, acting, and ____ having discussions.

To teach English as a foreign language in a non-English-speaking country can be quite ____ at times. I feel it is probably more difficult for students to relate to the material if they are not often ____ by English. Making things even more difficult is the ____ that the English they do come across is often ____, or, while grammatically correct, is not at all native-sounding. This kind of English, I think, can actually be ____ to students’ learning. ____,maybe “Chinglish,” both written and spoken, is just one of the ____ to building a country full of English speakers.

1.A. stories B. talks C. tears D. dreams

2.A. due B. ready C. lost D. special

3.A. idea B. choice C. right D. time

4.A. excited B. worried C. surprised D. curious

5.A. ignored B. heard C. forgotten D. missed

6.A. working B. talking C. living D. arguing

7.A. research B. stay C. business D. condition

8.A. spending B. wasting C. finding D. finishing

9.A. everyday B. recent C. previous D. wide

10.A. wisdom B. pleasure C. wealth D. knowledge

11.A. careful B. concerned C. certain D. anxious

12.A. speak B. write C. listen D. read

13.A. naturally B. generally C. hardly D. simply

14.A. amazing B. challenging C. interesting D. disappointing

15.A. questioned B. encouraged C. supported D. surrounded

16.A. message B. fact C. feeling D. thought

17.A. impossible B. unusual C. incorrect D. unknown

18.A. harmful B. important C. suitable D. valuable

19.A. Otherwise B. Besides C. Therefore D. However

20.A. problems B. steps C. rules D. aspects
























1.考查名词和语境理解。A. stories故事 B. talks 会谈C. tears眼泪 D. dreams梦想.。上一句说到作者泪眼婆娑,哭了很多次,得知这里是说所有这些泪水都是因为一个简单的原因:我真的,真的不想离开中国。。选C。

2.考查形容词和语境理解。A. due 到期的B. ready准备好的C. lost 失去的 D. special特别的。我已经买好了飞机票,而且我的工作签证即将期满。选A。

3.考查名词和语境理解。A. idea观点B. choice选择C. right右边;权利D. time时间。所以只得回到美国。我别无选择。选B。

4.考查形容词和语境理解。.A. excited兴奋的B. worried 担心的C. surprised惊讶的 D. curious好奇的。 回到家后的一段时间里,感觉真好。我很兴奋能和家人、朋友团聚,更重要的还有我的宠物狗。选A。

5.考查动词和语境理解。.A. ignored 忽略B. heard 听说C. forgotten忘记 D. missed错过;想念。我也热衷于弥补那些落下的电影、电视剧以及错过的音乐,选D。

6.考查动词和语境理解。.A. working 工作B. talking谈论C. living生活D. arguing争论。回家之后不久,我开始和雷德温姐妹城市委员会成员们交谈。选B。

7.考查名词和语境理解。.A. research研究 B. stay逗留 C. business买卖D. condition境况。我和他们说,我多么喜欢留在中国,多少希望有一天能回去。选B。

8.考查动词和语境理解。.A. spending 花费;度过B. wasting浪费 C. finding找到D. finishing完成。”现在我来了,在衢州二中任教一年的英语口语。选A。

9.考查形容词和语境理解。.A. everyday 每天的B. recent 最近的C. previous 先前的 D. wide宽阔的。 我先前的教学经验给了我知识财富。选C。

10.考查名词和语境理解。A. wisdom 智慧B. pleasure乐趣C. wealth财富D. knowledge知识。我先前的教学经验给了我知识财富。选D。

11.考查形容词和语境理解。.A. careful 小心的B. concerned担忧的C. certain 肯定的D. anxious焦虑的。现在,在我的教学能力方面,我觉得足够的自信,以至我形成了自己的教学理念。选C。

12.考查动词和语境理解。A. speak讲话B. write书写C. listen倾听D. read阅读。多数情况下,中国的学生在课堂上好像相当被动――老师不断地讲,学生则一味倾听。选A。

13.考查副词和语境理解。.A. naturally自然B. generally一般C. hardly 几乎不D. simply简单。我喜欢在课堂上做游戏,有可能的话 ,我也能将美术、表演或是简单地讨论引用到课堂中。选D。

14.考查形容词和语境理解。.A. amazing令人惊叹的B. challenging 富有挑战的C. interesting 有趣的 D. disappointing失望的。 把英语当外语来教,在一个非英语国家有时是很有挑战性的。选B。

15.考查动词和语境理解。.A. questioned 质问B. encouraged鼓励C. supported 支持D. surrounded包围。对学生来说,假如他们没有持续的,长久的生活在英语氛围中的话,我觉得去接触英语材料可能会很难。选D。

16.考查名词和语境理解。.A. message信息B. fact事实 C. feeling 感觉 D. thought想法。使这件事更加困难的是。选B。

17.考查形容词和语境理解。A. impossible不可能的B. unusual不寻常的C. incorrect 不正确的 D. unknown未知的。使这件事更加困难的是,他们所接触到的英语通常是不正确的。选C。

18.考查形容词和语境理解。.A. harmful 有害的B. important重要的C. suitable合适的D. Valuable有价值的。或者,语法上是正确的,却不完全地道。我想这种英语对学生的学是有害的。选A。

19.考查副词和语境理解。.A. Otherwise 否则B. Besides另外C. Therefore因此 D. However然而。然而或许书面和口头的“中国式英语”教学,选D。

20.考查名词和语境理解。.A. problems问题B. steps步骤C. rules规则D. aspects方面。我设法用来自美国的,地道的教材,学“真正的英语”。或许书面和口头的“中国式英语”教学,只是中国普及英语步骤中的一步。选B。


