


I could hardly wait to get to school and surprise my classma the next day. I skipped upstairs that morning. "Just wait until they see me,I thought. "Just wait! "So I waited. In my first class, no one said a word. What was the matter? Couldn't they see how much I had changed?
Maybe they were just too surprised to say anything. Probably in the next class, they would notice. Once again, I waited. Still nothing By the end of the day, even Danielle, my best friend, hadn t said anything. She knew how much I hated wearing the brace. I didn't know what had happened. At least I had to know what Danielle thought. At that point, I went up to her and asked,"Danielle, don't you notice anything different about me?" She just looked at me and said, "You mean the brace? Well, I have long accepted you for who you are, and I simply didn't notice the brace anymore.

