


I feel my mother s strength and my feet are steady on her shoulders. I turn my face up to the sun and laugh. Under my feet, the base feels strong, and my heart beats peacefully. Far below, I can hear people' s cheering, and soon, I feel Magdalena s hands on my feet. She holds my shirt and then she climbs up the back of my body. I work hard to hold myself straight and still and strong for her. And once she climbs onto my shoulders. she waves her hand to the jud Our tower is complete! The crowd cheers even louder. I smile across at Tomeu. I am very thankful for his encouragement and support. Whether or not we win this competition, I know we have done what we set out to do. Our team has worked together.
With trust in each other and with focus on the task, we have built our castle. Today, I am a casteller!


