2022年高考一轮复习全国统一考试 伯乐马联考(一)1英语试题

2022年高考一轮复全国统一考试 伯乐马联考(一)1英语试题,下面是2022年高考一轮复全国统一考试 伯乐马联考(一)1英语试题部分示例,验证如下:

2022年高考一轮复全国统一考试 伯乐马联考(一)1英语试题

26. What does Blue consider jumping into the pool as?
A. A relaxing sport 
B. An easy way to fight heat 
C  A way to escape punishment
 D. A special type of entertainment

27. What is Klapper's attitude towards Blue?
A. Proud 
B. Objective 
C. Cautious 
D. Ambiguous 

C A deadly type of childhood cancer has escaped science's best treatments for decades. But now doctors have made progress with an unusual treatment. They inject a virus into the brain to infect the tumors. This causes the body's immune system to attack. Friedman, the leader of the study, said that hey would combine this treatment with other treatments to increase the effectiveness The patients in the study were given the experimental treatment after other treatments failed t help their illnesses. The study involved gliomas. They make up 8percent to 10percent of childhood br orain tumors.

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2022年高考一轮复全国统一考试 伯乐马联考(一)1英语试题
