Plain, distinct speech was a particular
concern of my father and he was constantly drilling me in the art of elocution (演讲技巧).Before
I was three, he was reading aloud to me from the Bible, Shakespeare and Mark
Twain. Thereafter, read aloud to him so he could work on my diction. By the
time I was in the fifth grade, I could recite from a whole range of classical
literature and poetry.
Of course, there had been times as a young
man, when I got tired of study and devoted my time to playing. Then Father
would admonish me succinctly by quoting a saying from Shakespeare,
"If all the year were playing holidays, to sport would be as tedious (乏味的)as
to work."
Obviously, his efforts were not entirely in
vain, for my voice has enabled me to earn a fair livelihood. But that fact
doesn't begin to define the enormous debt I owe my father.